Professional Memberships
In addition, we are active in several professional groups enabling us to stay abreast of changing conditions in the industries we serve and to assist the business owner in meeting the challenges they encounter working in an ever evolving business legal environment.
We are active members of the following:
ASA: The American Subcontractors Association
AGC: The Associated General Contractors
NUCA: National Utility Contractors Association North Texas
RHCA: Regional Hispanic Contractors Association
Dallas Surety Association
IIAD: Independent Insurance Agents of Dallas
TEXO: The Construction Association
CFMA: The Construction Financial Managers Association
NASBP: the National Association of Surety Bond Professionals
Texas Bar: Associate Members of the Construction and Insurance Divisions
Several of our Professionals, individually, hold insurance designations: CIC; Certified Insurance Counselor and CRIS; Construction Risk Insurance Specialist.